
tinySpell 1.9.64

Installer | tisp1964.exe | 999.63 KB | VirusTotal Scan report
Portable | tispp1964.zip | 572.01 KB | VirusTotal Scan report
Чыккан датасыFebruary 18, 2022
ЖарыялоочуKEDMI Scientific Computing - https://www.tinyspell.com
Жарыялоочунун сүрөттөмөсү

Occasionally you need to check spelling in an application that does not include a spelling checker and you don't want to launch your word processor just for that. This is when tinySpell becomes handy. It is a small utility that allows you to easily and quickly check and correct the spelling in any Windows application.

tinySpell can watch your typing on the fly and alert you whenever it detects a misspelled word.

It can also check the spelling of text that you copy to the clipboard.

tinySpell installs itself in the taskbar notification area for easy access.

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