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Photoline 24.00
نام فایل: حجم فایل: 49.55 MB تاریخ اضافه شده: July 14, 2023
قیمترایگان برای امتحان کردن
تاریخ انتشارJuly 14, 2023
ناشرComputerinsel - - Germany
توضیحات ناشر

Photoline is an image editor which provides a mostly non-destructive professional workflow. Full vector editing is also integrated. Its image editing is on par with Photoshop.

Photoline is compatible with most common Photoshop plugins, such as Topaz, NIK, and FilterForge, and loads Photoshop compatible brush and gradient libraries.


Image Processing

  • Up to 32 bit per channel, support of CMYK and Lab
  • Color management with ICC profiles
  • Lossless imaging
  • Process digital photos
  • Retouch, correct,...


  • IPTC and EXIF data handling
  • Rotate images lossless
  • Rename images and create catalogues
  • Create HTML galleries
  • Add and edit keywords
  • Powerful search capabilities


  • "Real" PDF Import and Export (not just a big image)
  • Multipage documents
  • Calendar and barcode creation
  • Rich text functions


  • Create Flash and GIF animations
  • Web Export
  • Tile images, create buttons and image maps

Many more

  • Batch conversion
  • Create slideshows
  • Record actions
  • Print multipage documents, flyers and labels
  • USB-Stick support
  • Multiprocessor support