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Synthesia 10.9
Fájl név: Synthesia-10.9.dmg Fájl méret: 7.95 MB Hozzáadás dátuma: June 22, 2023
ÁrIngyenesen kipróbálható
Kiadási dátumJune 22, 2023
KiadóSynthesia -
A kiadó leírása

Whether you've always wanted to learn or already have some experience, you've just found a fun new way to practice. Join the millions using Synthesia.

Play at Your Own Speed

In melody practice, Synthesia waits for you to play the correct note before moving on.

Read Sheet Music... or Not

Enable musical notation for any song. Or, leave it turned off and just enjoy the falling notes.

Practice Hands Separately

Choose what you want to practice. Synthesia will play the rest for you so you can focus on your goal.

Unlimited Songs

Play all 150 included songs, every song from the Music Store, or any MIDI file you can find or create.

Track Your Progress

Immediate feedback shows how you played. Long term tracking shows how you're improving.

Finger Number Hints

Remind yourself which finger is best using a simple one-click gesture.

Lighted Keyboard Support

See upcoming notes in melody practice right on your lighted keyboard. Find difficult chords faster.

Choosing a song
Choosing a song
Playing your first song
Playing your first song
Enabling sheet music
Enabling sheet music
Showing labels
Showing labels
Adding songs
Adding songs
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