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Intel Driver & Support Assistant 23.4.39
Nome del file: Intel-Driver-and-Support-Assistant-Installer.exe Dimensione del file: 5.99 MB Data aggiunta: February 23, 2024
Data di rilascioFebruary 23, 2024
EditoreIntel Corporation - - United States
Descrizione dell'editore

The Intel® Driver & Support Assistant enables you to scan computing devices for the latest drivers available from Intel. This tool has the main interface hosted on Intel’s support website and provides a more integrated support experience to users. It has an enhanced detection engine to ensure that customers are given complete and accurate information and a scan frequency option to change from a “run-once” tool to a persistent experience that can provide customers with driver updates more quickly. 

Products supported: Graphics drivers, wireless networking, Intel® SSDs, Intel® NUCs, and Intel® Compute Sticks.