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Bennett 1.28
파일 이름: 파일 크기: 773.88 KB 추가된 날짜: December 14, 2023
출시일December 14, 2023
발행자The SZ - - Germany
게시자의 설명

With Bennett you can search for Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy / Bluetooth Smart devices and monitor their signal strength.

Multiple Bluetooth stack support

The BlueSoleil, FreeBT and Texas Instruments CC2540/41 based like Sensor Tag Development Kit Bluetooth stacks are supported, they report the RSSI signal strength of each device.

Further, the Microsoft, Toshiba and Broadcom Bluetooth stacks are also support. Unfortunately these stacks don’t report the RSSI signal strength.

Device Details & Signal Strength

You can also monitor the signal strength of selected access points in a graph over the time. With a right mouse click, you can start logging to a text file and create a screenshot.

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