ODBC Driver for SQL Server

ODBC Driver for SQL Server

ARM64 | msodbcsql-ARM64.msi | 3.04 MB | VirusTotal Scan report
x64 | msodbcsql.msi | 4.53 MB | VirusTotal Scan report
x86 | msodbcsql-x86.msi | 2.5 MB | VirusTotal Scan report
Malagasy Bible18.3.2.1
Daty namoahanaMarch 6, 2024
MpitoryMicrosoft - https://www.microsoft.com - United States
Famariparitana ny Mpanonta

Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server is a single dynamic-link library (DLL) containing run-time support for applications using native-code APIs to connect to SQL Server.