MathMagic Lite

MathMagic Lite 8.9

Windows | 13.93 MB | VirusTotal Scan report
Mac | 16.06 MB
iOS / iPadOS
Datum van publicatieDecember 9, 2022
UitgeverijInfoLogic -
Beschrijving van de uitgever

MathMagic Lite is a FREE equation editor. 

It is a stand-alone application for editing any mathematical expressions and symbols with easy-to-use graphical interface and various powerful features. 

MathMagic Lite offers various symbols and templates for K12 Math and Science, and post-secondary math as well.

MathMagic Lite Edition works well with most word processors like MS Word, presentation software and graphic software such as PowerPoint, PhotoShop, Illustrator, and more, via Copy and Paste, Drag and Drop, or Exporting in SVG, PNG, JPG, BMP as well as OLE and WMF.