Miscellaneous Software

  • Duet
    DuetDùng thử miễn phí
  • EarTrumpet
    EarTrumpetMiễn phí
  • eCity
    eCityMiễn phí

    Virtual city environment for engineering problem based learning.

  • GeForce Game Ready Driver
    GeForce Game Ready DriverMiễn phí

    The best experience for every game.

  • gPodder
    gPodderMiễn phí

    Media aggregator and podcast client.

  • HelpNDoc
    HelpNDocMiễn phí

    Write complete help files, manuals, documentations and eBooks in a user friendly and very easy to use environment. 

  • ImageGrab
    ImageGrabMiễn phí

    Extract comfortably  images from all kinds of videos.

  • MACAddressView
    MACAddressViewMiễn phí

    A MAC address lookup tool that allows you to easily find the company details according to the MAC address of a product.

  • Mic Müter
    Mic MüterMiễn phí
  • Nelson
    NelsonMiễn phí
  • Ngspice
    NgspiceMiễn phí

    Open source spice simulator.

  • NonVisual Desktop Access
    NonVisual Desktop AccessMiễn phí

    A free “screen reader” which enables blind and vision impaired people to use computers.

  • OpenWithView
    OpenWithViewMiễn phí
  • PCmover Express
    PCmover ExpressMiễn phí

    Transfer selected files, folders, and more from an old Windows PC to a new Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 PC.

  • Plagiarism Checker X
    Plagiarism Checker XDùng thử miễn phí

    Detect plagiarism in your research papers, blogs, assignments, and websites.

  • Porting Kit
    Porting KitMiễn phí
  • Prey
    PreyMiễn phí

    Help you find your mobile phone or laptop if it ever gets lost or stolen.

  • SmartSystemMenu
    SmartSystemMenuMiễn phí

    SmartSystemMenu extends system menu of all windows in the system.

  • Songsheet Generator
    Songsheet GeneratorDùng thử miễn phí

    A program for easily printing and displaying song sheets.

  • SymbSearch
    SymbSearchMiễn phí

    A small tool for searching unicode-symbols.

  • VideoInspector
    VideoInspector Miễn phí

    A tool designed to provide you with as much information as possible about your video files.

  • Visual Subst
    Visual SubstDùng thử miễn phí
  • VoiceBot
    VoiceBotDùng thử miễn phí

    Say commands out loud to send actions to your games and applications.

  • Wake-On-LAN
    Wake-On-LANMiễn phí

    Power up your network PC remotely.

  • Active ZDelete
    Active ZDeleteMiễn phí

    Data cleanup and erase utility.

  • AquaSnap
    AquaSnapMiễn phí

    Be more productive with the best tiling window manager for Windows.

  • CodeTwo Outlook Sync
    CodeTwo Outlook SyncMiễn phí

    Sync Outlook calendars, contacts, tasks, email, documents and any other Microsoft Outlook items between two computers in your local network.

  • Colour Simulations
    Colour SimulationsMiễn phí

    Apply a colour transform to the underlying screen.

  • ControlMyMonitor
    ControlMyMonitorMiễn phí

    View and modify the settings of your monitor.

  • Cookie
    CookieDùng thử miễn phí

    More privacy, better browsing.