Clipboard Managers

  • Ditto

    An extension to the standard windows clipboard.

  • CopyQ

    Clipboard Manager with Advanced Features.

  • ClipAngel

    Clipboard history capture and paste tool.

  • CLCL

    A clipboard caching utility.

  • Clipboard Master
    Clipboard MasterFree

    The universal multi-clipboard for text, images, files and much more.

  • ClipboardFusion Free
    ClipboardFusion FreeFree

    Easily remove clipboard text formatting, replace clipboard text or run powerful macros on your clipboard contents!

  • ClipCache Pro
    ClipCache ProFree to try

    The Ultimate Computer Productivity Enhancement Tool.

  • Comfort Clipboard Pro
  • Pastebot
    PastebotFree to try

    Command Copy & Paste.

  • ArsClip

    A freeware clipboard manager utility.

  • Clipboard History
    Clipboard HistoryFree

    A Windows Clipboard Manager you can quickly access up to twenty texts you have copied to the clipboard before.

  • ClipClip

    A free clipboard management software.

  • Pasta

    The most flexible clipboard manager for the mac.

  • Paste Wizard
    Paste WizardFree to try

    Tame your clipboards.