File Managers

  • Unlocker

    Delete locked files.

  • TeraCopy

    Copy and move files at the maximum possible speed. 

  • Advanced Renamer
    Advanced RenamerFree

    A free program for renaming multiple files and folders at once.

  • Copywhiz
    CopywhizFree to try

    Enhances your file copy experience in Windows.

  • Directory List & Print
    Directory List & PrintFree to try

    Enables listing and printing the content of any directory in a simplest way.

  • QTTabBar

    Extends Explorer by tabs and extra folder views.

  • Eraser

    Completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive.

  • Attribute Changer
    Attribute ChangerFree

    A power user tool to change all kind of file and folder attributes, date and time and even NTFS compression.

  • FileMenu Tools
    FileMenu ToolsFree

    Customize and add several tools to the context menu of Windows File Explorer.

  • Total Commander
    Total CommanderFree to try

    A file manager for Windows, a program like Windows Explorer to copy, move or delete files.

  • Bulk Rename Utility
    Bulk Rename UtilityFree

    A free file renaming software for Windows.

  • FileBot

    The ultimate TV and Movie Renamer.

  • Multi Commander
    Multi CommanderFree

    A multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer.

  • FolderMove

    Move the installation folder of a Program or Game to other drive, without breaking it or reinstalling.

  • HashMyFiles

    Calculate MD5/SHA1/CRC32 hashes of your files.

  • Bulk Extension Changer
    Bulk Extension ChangerFree

    Simple tool to change file extensions.

  • Files
  • Direct Folders
    Direct FoldersFree to try

    Quick access to your favorite folders

  • XYplorer
    XYplorerFree to try

    A fast, powerful, portable, dual paned, and multi-tabbed file manager and Explorer.

  • Directory Opus
    Directory OpusFree

    A complete replacement for Explorer, with far more power and functionality.

  • Double Commander
    Double CommanderFree

    A cross platform open source file manager with two panels side by side.

  • Permadelete

    Permanently shreds files, easily.

  • FilExile

    The Stubborn File/Directory Deletion Tool.

  • xplorer² Lite
    xplorer² LiteFree

    A desktop file manager combining the simplicity of windows explorer with the speed and efficiency of traditional dual pane orthodox file managers.

  • Classic Shell
    Classic ShellFree

    Improve your productivity, enhances the usability of Windows and empowers you to use the computer the way you like it.

  • Rename Us
    Rename UsFree

    A free batch file renaming utility, which allows to rename or copy multiple files at once.

  • Ant Renamer
    Ant RenamerFree

    A free program that makes easier the renaming of lots of files and folders by using specified settings.

  • fman
    fmanFree to try

    A dual-pane file manager.

  • Malwarebytes FileASSASSIN
    Malwarebytes FileASSASSINFree

    Eradicates any type of locked files.

  • OneCommander