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O&O DeskInfo 1.1
Nom de fichier: OODeskInfo.exe Taille du fichier: 1.52 MB Date d’ajout: August 18, 2022
Date de sortieFebruary 15, 2022
ÉditeurO&O Software - - Germany
Description de l'éditeur

CPU, RAM, drives, network, …

With O&O DeskInfo you always have all the relevant system information at a glance, right on your desktop! You can also customize the ad yourself to just see exactly what you are interested in! Whether CPU or memory usage or network information – everything is presented in a compact and understandable way. To increase your security O&O DeskInfo warns when connecting unknown USB devices.

Simply pass on all information

Do you need this information for a support request? No problem! Simply save all data to the clipboard via the context menu in the info area and easily send it by email or via a web form!